Saturday, 16 June 2007

The Woes of Streaming African Videos

A while back we decided to add a video app to one of the offerings on Afriville. It proved very popular and is now one of the most visited part of our social networking experience.

The video app can be found at Afriville Videos. Due to all that streaming we have learnt the hard way that video streaming doesn't go well with bandwidth quotas. On that front you'll notice if you use our site regularly that things are a little bit faster as we've undergone a server upgrade.

I've had several emails from people about not being able to watch the videos under dial up connnections. The thing is the video files being as big as they are viewing in dial up mode really is restrictive. To cater for those users, as we do recognize that a large number of users may not have access to broadband afterall This is Africa, we're working on having a dedicated streaming server, what this means is that our server will be able to tell how fast your connection is and deliver the videos at a speed appropiate for you, there by delivering the best experience.

We hope you enjoy using our video app and look forward to your suggestions and feedback..

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